Brandon, Candace, Brayley and Addyson

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Top 10 Things I Remember From My Youth

Today's list, on a lighter note, is copied from Melissa at "Simply Me"...

Top Ten Things I Remember From My Youth

It's cute and I remember all of them!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dialogue Monday's

Brayley:  "Mommy, I have 3 Aunt's!"
Mommy:  "You do?!"
Brayley:  "Yes, Aunt Michaela, Aunt Julie and Aunt Matthew."


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Top 10 Ways A Christian Should Be Like A Football Fan

While attending a football game this past weekend and observing the crowd, I came to a conclusion that football fans are GREAT!!  They are soooo dedicated to their team and have a compassion for cheering them to victory!  What if Christians had that same dedication and compassion for Christ?!?!  What a HUGE difference we could make for His Kingdom if we all took as much initiative in winning people to Christ as we did for winning a football game.  Here are my...
Top Ten Ways A Christian Should Be Like A Football Fan

10. Sing a Psalm or Hymn with enthusiasm.  Really get into it!!

9.  "Shake your pom-pom" when someone receives Christ and is saved!!

8.  Stand-up and cheer for the choir as if you had just heard a 'million-dollar band'!!

7.  Sport Godly apparel EVERY day of the week like you do football flair.  Even tack it all over your car!!

6.  Go to great lengths and $$ in order to attend "the game" (church)!!

5.  If you can't make it to "the game", you make sure you watch it on your big-screen!!

4. Chat with friends and co-workers about it Monday at work and share your excitement for next Sunday!!

3. Feel a connection and friendship with EVERYONE at "the game" and consider them "Family"!  Even the little kid on the back row that just won't be still!!

2.  You pay the "Coach" big bucks without complaining!!

1.  Feel a sense of pride and gratitude when the victory is won and you have done your part for His kingdom!!

So, get off your bleacher and share the excitement of Jesus Christ with those around you!

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.- 1 John 2:15-17

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dialogue Monday's

Long story...short-
Brayley: "I didn't hear it, I had my eyes closed."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dialogue Monday

Brayley: "Mommy, how does God know that?"
Mommy: "God knows everything!!"
Brayley: "Well, I'm thinking that I like suckers with bubble-gum in the middle!  Does He know that?!"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Top 10 Points To Prove That Mother's Don't Get Holidays

I copied this from "The Slob" and thought it was fitting since my holidays off I do more than when I am at work!  So, here is my...

 Top Ten Points to Prove That Mother's Don't Get Holidays...

"Moms don't get holidays.

Moms don't even get weekends!

Here's a list of ten things that prove my point. Keep in mind that this is by no means an exhaustive list. Exhausting, maybe.

10. Every single day . . . whether rain, shine, Christmas or even my birthday . . . . every single person in my family . . . eats.

9. Not only do they insist on eating, but they all refuse to eat without using dishes of some sort.

8. Even if I do pretend that I don't have to clean the kitchen on a holiday (like I did yesterday), it just means I have to work harder the next day, soaking/scraping the spaghetti-encrusted dishes.

7. Daughters don't necessarily choose non-holidays to cover their faces in newly-gifted-by-grandma-hot-pink-lipstick.

6. Clothes-not-hung-up-out-of-principle on a holiday, are just . . . clothes-not-hung-up on the day after a holiday.

5. Lemonade can still spill on holidays.

4. A five-minute pick-up time skipped on a holiday means a 20 minute pick-up time is required on the day after the holiday. (I know that doesn't make mathematical sense, but it's true.)

3. Children still argue on holidays.

2. Holidays generally happen on the day before non-holidays, and therefore . . . clothes still have to be put out, lunches have to be made, and dishwashers have to be started. At least, that's what a slob-in-recovery has to do.

1. And the number one proof that Mamas don't get holidays? Even though every person in my family is fully aware that Monday (a HOLIDAY this week!) is Laundry Day, not a single one of them is willing to wear dirty undies until next Monday rolls around.

The nerve."

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dialogue Monday

Shortly after waking-up one morning, Brayley sleepily rubbed his eyes and said:

"Wake-up, eyes!"

Thursday, September 2, 2010