Homemademom.com listed a post to find out your
Top 10 Baby Must Haves
when having a baby. So, here are mine:
1. Mylicon - I should have owned stock in it!

2. A & D Ointment - Great! Especially for girls!
3. Newborn gowns - I know, you say "A boy in a gown?" But for those midnight and 2am feedings, they are fantastic for quick diaper changes!
4. A baby swing - Addyson slept in ONLY this until she was about 6 months old!
5. An Infant Papasan - Brayley LOVED this thing! It went everywhere with us!
6. Baby Einstein DVD's - Both of my babies loved these videos.
7. Suction Bowls and Snack Cups

8. Dr. Brown's Bottles - Great for gassy, fussy babies!
9. The Newborn Manual - 'What to Expect the First Year' by Arlene Eisenberg
10. GRANDPARENTS!! I'm sure it can be done without them, but I don't think I would like to try!
"Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers." (Proverbs 17:6)

Thanks for including Dr. Brown's bottles! Of course, we don't stand a chance compared to the greatness of grandparents, but we are proud to be listed alongside them. :-)