Brandon, Candace, Brayley and Addyson
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Top 10 Customers in the Restaurant Industry That Irritate Me...
While at work, I decided that the list for today will be...
Top Ten Customers in the Restaurant Industry That Irritate Me!
In no specific order:
1. The 'I tear my straw paper into little pieces and leave them on the table for someone else to clean up' customer.
2. The 'I let my kid throw food, paper, sweet-n-low packets, and whatever else he can get his hands on in the floor and I 'm not going to pick any of it up' customer.
3. The 'I'm done with my food but I'm going to leave that last bite on my fork so someone else can clean it off' customer.
4. The 'my food took a long time to cook in the kitchen so therefore it MUST be the servers fault and I'm not going to tip' customer.
5. The 'I forgot that when I eat I have to pay for it and I left without doing so' customer.
6. The 'I hear you calling out food around my table but I either have no idea what I ordered or it is just not registering in brain to say it is mine' customer.
7. The 'I come in to order take out but I am talking on my cell phone right now so you are just going to have to wait' customer.
8. The 'I am calling in a pick-up order and I wait until I get someone on the phone to ask the rest of my group what they want to eat and scream into the receiver of the phone at them' customer.
9. The 'I know you just brought my food and I asked for extra napkins but when you come back my friend needs an extra sauce and when you bring that back I will need extra dressing and when you bring that back...' customer.
10. The 'I really don't like what I ordered, although I ate almost all of it, and I want my money back' customer.
I am limiting this to 10 but there could be so many more! I heart my job :-)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Dialogue Monday
Gaga brought B and Addy home some paint markers and they loved them...
Mommy: "B, paint me a picture of the beach!"
Brayley: "Ok, Mommy"
...5 minutes later...
Mommy: "Oh, wow, B!! That is great! But what is the black for?"
Brayley: "That's the oil!"
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Top 10 Reasons I Would Be A Great SAHM...
Here are my
Top Ten Reasons I Would Make A Great Stay At Home Mom:
1. I would plan fun and exciting FREE adventures for us! Like going to the park, reading day at the library, watching the airplanes take off at the airport, etc.
2. I would be able to avoid or reprimand at an instant any language that is not appropriate.
3. I would be able to avoid or reprimand at an instant any action that is not appropriate.
4. Fun and cheap crafts are my specialty!! :-)
5. Nap time is "do all the things that I always want to get around to but never have time to" time. Yeah for scrapbooking, cleaning out closets, cooking interesting meals, etc.
6. More time for Couponing!!
7. I would schedule play-dates and catch up with old friends that think that I am not their friend anymore because I never have time to talk to them much less see them!
8. I could REALLY volunteer with church functions instead of showing up and leaving immediately b/c we all have to get home and in the bed.
9. I understand that it is a difficult job; however,...
10. I would have the joy of watching my children experience their young life and reach new milestones every day!
"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." Mathew 21:22
Monday, July 19, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Top 10 Indications Your Husband Is Out Of Town...

Top Ten Indications Your Husband Is Out Of Town On Business...
10. The alarm is set without question yet you still freak out when you hear a strange noise in the night.
9. Not only do you take the garbage to the big, green, Rubbermaid "can" but you also haul that big, green, Rubbermaid "can" and ALL of it's contents to the road and then haul it back down the driveway when it weighs a little less.
8. You let your oldest son stay up a little too late watching a movie just so you will have some other form of human interaction.
7. You get the kids up in the morning, hydrated, fed, clothes ironed, clothes on and to school without being over 15 minutes late to work! (And this is complicated even further by posting #8 making the oldest a little more sleepy than usual!)
6. The nightly supper menu consists of either cereal, mac and cheese, spaghettios or chicken and stars.
5. Even though you are now responsible for taking the trash to the big, green, Rubbermaid "can", ironically it seems that there is less trash.
4. You are now in charge of watering the lawn. You pray for rain! (Not to mention trying to figure out the automated sprinkler system that came with a 30 page instruction manual.)
3. You are also now in charge of getting and keeping up with the mail that comes during the week. Are Mariott Rewards points that beneficial!?!?
2. On a brighter note, the TV is all yours. There will be no golf, basketball or whatever else might be on ESPN heard in this house this week!
1. At the end of the night, you realize that you survived but count down the days until your husbands return. In reality you miss your talks on the back deck at dusk more than anything else ;-)
You thank God for his new job and you thank God when he comes home!
2 weeks down, 3 more to go….
Monday, July 12, 2010
Dialogue Monday
Brayley: "Mommy, look what I've got!!!"
Mommy: "What is that, B?"
Brayley: "It's a crooked!!"
Mommy: "A crooked? What's a crooked?"
Brayley: "It's like a grasshopper but it's black."
Mommy: "Oh!!" (a cricket!)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Best Photographer in Birmingham...
The Best Photographer in Birmingham is Grethel Van Epps with
Some of the photos on my blog were taken by her, like these...
Go to her BLOG and look at all of the amazing shots that she captures! She is truely talented and her photos are definitely works of art. I have taken a photography class from her and it helped me tremendously but I will never compare to the talent that she posses behind the lens. She strives to capture the natural, unrehearsed memories of everyday life. I believe this is what makes her photos truely unique! She is, in my book, the best photographer in Birmingham!!
She is doing a contest at the moment that I would love to win, considering my children look nothing like the photos she took over a year ago :o( . So, go on over and check her out!! You'll be hooked!
GVE Photography Website GVE Photography Blog GVE Photography on Facebook
There is also a previous posting about her here!
There is also a previous posting about her here!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Top 10 Things That Distract Me...
I came across a "Top Ten Tuesday" on another blog and decided it sounded like something fitting for Smith Happens. So, here are my:
Top Ten Things That Distract Me
1. Facebook. 8-P
2. My Husband. But in a good way...most of the time!
3. Discipline. We have been up to our ears in bad behavior over here...I have safely come to the conclusion that I am a terrible parent. (I copied this one but it fits the profile!)
4. The Internet! Google is the answer for EVERYTHING!!
5. Sleep. There never seems to be enough of it!
6. The Control Button. I don’t know what all it does but if you accidentally push it on the keyboard weird things can happen.
7. My Blog. It eludes me from completing my work tasks!
8. My Blackberry. I am positively a Crack-berry addict! It is not something I am proud of.
9. Gracious Worry. Constant worry that my kids will not grow up gracious. I strive to make sure they thank God for everything that He has given them and that they realize they are not owed anything. Each and every thing they are given, whether it be food or a random toy, is a blessing from God.
10. Weight. If only it could distract me from eating. LOL!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
4th of July
Brayley and Addyson with their sparklers!
Addy FINALLY went swimming! By the end of the afternoon, she was jumping in all by herself!
They all had a fun filled day!
(Thanks for being the photographer Aunt Julie!)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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