Top Ten Indications Your Husband Is Out Of Town On Business...
10. The alarm is set without question yet you still freak out when you hear a strange noise in the night.
9. Not only do you take the garbage to the big, green, Rubbermaid "can" but you also haul that big, green, Rubbermaid "can" and ALL of it's contents to the road and then haul it back down the driveway when it weighs a little less.
8. You let your oldest son stay up a little too late watching a movie just so you will have some other form of human interaction.
7. You get the kids up in the morning, hydrated, fed, clothes ironed, clothes on and to school without being over 15 minutes late to work! (And this is complicated even further by posting #8 making the oldest a little more sleepy than usual!)
6. The nightly supper menu consists of either cereal, mac and cheese, spaghettios or chicken and stars.
5. Even though you are now responsible for taking the trash to the big, green, Rubbermaid "can", ironically it seems that there is less trash.
4. You are now in charge of watering the lawn. You pray for rain! (Not to mention trying to figure out the automated sprinkler system that came with a 30 page instruction manual.)
3. You are also now in charge of getting and keeping up with the mail that comes during the week. Are Mariott Rewards points that beneficial!?!?
2. On a brighter note, the TV is all yours. There will be no golf, basketball or whatever else might be on ESPN heard in this house this week!
1. At the end of the night, you realize that you survived but count down the days until your husbands return. In reality you miss your talks on the back deck at dusk more than anything else ;-)
You thank God for his new job and you thank God when he comes home!
2 weeks down, 3 more to go….
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