Brandon, Candace, Brayley and Addyson

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Miles and Ella -

 My best friend Amber is pregnant with twins, Miles Ryan and Ella Lane.  This pregnancy is sooooo very special and we are all soooo excited.  My mom has been begging for pictures so I am dedicating this post to Wes and Amber and their babies.
Unexpectedly, Amber's water broke the other night and she is only 28 weeks along.  She made it to the hospital and everything is looking good so far.  Please keep her and Wes and the babies in your prayers.  She has a long, bed ridden, hospital stuck road ahead of her.

They're Here!!
March 20th, 2010 is the date to mark your calendars for Miles Ryan's and Ella Lane's Birthday!!
I will keep you updated on their progress (from Amber and Wes' updates on FB)
in the comments on this post.


  1. Miles and Ella are here! Miles Ryan is 2lb 15oz. Ella Lane is 2lb 6oz. Both babies are in the NICU, looking ok right now. Momma is great and nervous at the same time! March 20th

  2. The Christie's posted: Our babies came off the ventilator today, on CPAP now!! Praise God! All blood work has been great! Miles has been flirting with the nurses, Ella opened her eyes for Aunt Kaisha today :) March 21st

  3. The Christie's posted: Miles and Ella both came off the CPAP today, so they are only on oxygen through the nose :) YAY!!! Blood gases continue to look great. Ella had 2 cc of milk today and Miles had a whopping 3 cc of milk! Continue to grow little babies!!! March 23rd

  4. The Christie's posted: Big day for Miles and Ella! They were both weaned to 1L of oxygen and have done great! Wes and I both got to change a diaper, take their temperature, and help feed them :) Both babies are taking a teeny tiny premie pacifier and it is precious! AND I got to hold Miles for the first time today!!! A VERY good day :) SO proud!!! March 23rd

  5. The Christie's posted: Another BIG day for the Christies! I was released today, so Wes and I get to sleep in our own bed and be home tonight. Little Ella came off oxygen today and is doing fantastic! Miles is only on 1L of oxygen and should be weaned off that tomorrow. We got to hold Miles before we left the hospital and we should get to... March 24th

  6. The Christie's posted: Both babies are doing fabulous!!! I finally got to hold Ella yesterday and Wes and I both got to hold Miles :) They are both on 1L oxygen per nasal cannula, but only if needed, so they are on room air most of the time! The heart ultrasounds on each baby were completely normal!! Ella is now taking 5cc per feeding st...ill at 2lbs. 6oz. and Miles is up to 12cc per feeding at 3lbs.! March 26th

  7. March 28th : Babies are still doing great! PTL!!! Wes and I can now hold both babies anytime we want! :) Ella is up to 10cc per feeding and Miles is our hoss taking 18cc per feeding! Miles is now big enough to wear teeny tiny preemie tshirts and onesies. Ella is still little and stays under the warmer, but I think she likes it, I know I would! :)

  8. March 29th: Today was another really good day for the babies! Miles got his PICC line out and is no longer on anything through an IV! He is eating up to 30cc per feeding and wearing cute itty bitty clothes :) Ella is eating up to 21.5cc per feeding and is only on 1 bag of IV fluids, but should get her PICC line out soon :) Now... we just need for them both to keep gaining weight!!

  9. April 1st: Miles and Ella are no longer on IV fluids and both got their PICC lines out!! YAY! Both are now on full feedings and hopefully will start gaining some weight :) Ella is off oxygen and Miles is trying his hardest to get there too!!

  10. April 5th: Ella and Miles are really doing wonderful!! They are both on full feedings and have started to gain some weight :) Miles is now 3.3lbs and 16in long and Ella is 2.10lbs and 15.9in long! They also are on some iron supplements. Ella is doing good without her oxygen and Miles is down to 1liter of oxygen when needed, b...ut still mostly on room air. We are very proud parents of these little fighters!!!

  11. April 13th: Update: Miles and Ella are still doing fantastic! Both continue to grow, they are feeding very well!! Miles is 3lbs. 12ozs. 16in. long and Ella is 2lbs. 14 ozs. 16 1/2in. long. They are in clothes and are now co bedding (we should have pics tomorrow). Head ultrasounds were normal, PRAISE GOD!! We are doing great! :)

  12. April 19th: 1 month old!!! Miles is 4lbs 1oz, Ella is 3lbs 3 oz. They are getting bigger :) Both are still eating well and Miles is doing great without oxygen! YAY! I think they like co bedding, it is really fun to watch them realize the other one is there :)

  13. April 27th: Big day for both babies!! Miles got his OG tube OUT!! He is taking all feedings now and doing great :) Ella is close behind, taking every other feeding, so hopefully not too much longer until we bring them home! Such big kids today!!

  14. May 2nd: The count down begins! Miles and Ella go into a crib tomorrow and home Thursday if all goes well! :) We are so excited!!!!
