Brandon, Candace, Brayley and Addyson

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Borrowed Top Ten...

Today I borrowed a Top Ten.  I came across it on another blog and thought about revamping it to my own personal answers.  After reading all ten, I decided against the revamp since my answers would be almost exactly the same.  On that note, here are my borrowed...

Top Ten Reasons Parenthood Makes You Skinny (In Theory)

10. You have to buy diapers at Walmart instead of that cheesy goodness crab dip at your favorite restaurant. Cheese and crab meat...it doesn't get any better! Oh, how I miss you!

9. Even if you can afford it, you don't have the energy to take the kids out to dinner. I've given up on ever eating a hot meal in a restaurant when my children are present. Why go out and pay for a cold entree when you can eat a cold dinner at home any night of the week?

8. Half of anything you put on your plate will be eaten by your toddler...if not all of it.
I'm afraid that when Liam's old enough he'll eat the other half of my food. Why does food from Mommy's plate taste so much better than the exact same food on the kids plates???

7. You want to set a good example of eating habits, so you snack on carrot sticks and cheerios instead of snickers bars and potato chips. Yet somehow your kids always have cookie crumbs on the corners of their mouths? Ahem...Aunt Heather alert!!

6. You're burning way more calories chasing and playing with your toddler than you ever did at your over priced yoga classes. But, oh, aren't you glad you own those yoga pants now? I pretty much live in mine daily. 

5. You choose showering during their nap time rather than eating lunch.*
I learned the hard way to only shower if ALL the kids are sleeping. What can I say? Sometimes smelling fresh and clean trumps a cup of Greek yogurt!

4. You choose going to sleep as soon as possible rather than eat a quiet dinner after the kids are asleep.*
*I'm not advocating skipping meals on a regular basis...so unhealthy! I'm just saying it happens every now and then.

3. Breastfeeding burns more calories than you consume in a day.
Maybe this is why I'm always SO hungry right before bed???

2. Grocery shopping trips with kids almost always get cut short on account of...you have kids with you.
The list hardly ever gets completed!

1. Your sweet child(ren) have given you more motivation than ever to take better care of yourself and set a good example of heath and exercise!


Good theory, right? Hurray, my "fat pants" are too big!! But who shrunk my pre-pregnancy skinny jeans?! Yoga pants it is!

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