Brandon, Candace, Brayley and Addyson

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Top 10 Things I Swore I Would Never Say As A Parent

When I was growing up I remember thinking how unfair life was. It always seemed to me that I wasn’t allowed to do something or I was always getting in trouble for something that my brother obviously did.  On more than one occassion I muttered under my breath that I would be a cooler mom, a more understanding mom, a mom who wouldn’t have all these rules and chores.  Oh, didn't we all!!  AND THEN, we became mothers!
My perspective drastically changed. Now with two toddlers of my own I find myself saying things that I swore would never come out of my mouth. So, here are my...

Top Ten Things I Swore I Would Never Say As A Parent:

  1. "Because I said so!"
  2. "I'll give you something to cry about..."
  3. "I brought you into this world, I can take you out!"
  4. "You better stop while you're ahead!"
  5. "One...Two...Three!!"
  6. "No!"
  7. "Were you raised in a barn?!"
  8. "Yes, what?" Answer: Yes, Ma'am
  9. "Go to your room if you're going to cry!"
  10. "What part of NO don't you understand!?!?"
I guess the saying is true: The more things change the more they stay the same.

My perspective now is, I turned out great so I should follow the teachings of my wise mother!  ;-)

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