Brandon, Candace, Brayley and Addyson

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Top 10 Reasons to NOT Take Toddlers on a Beach Vacation

Given our recent trip to the beach, I have decided to give you the...
Top Ten Reasons to NOT Take Toddlers on a Beach Vacation:

1."When will we be there?" cried every 5 minutes during a 4 1/2 hour drive.

2. They go to sleep in the car on the trip down and then don't want to go to bed when you finally arrive because of pure excitement.

3. As posted on yesterday's 'Dialogue Monday': "I-onna hold jyew!"  My two year old couldn't seem to stand or walk during this week.

4. The new environment causes them to act as if they have been fed intravenously with pure glucose and it has caused a mental block preventing them from remembering ANYTHING they have ever been taught about manners and how to behave!

5. One child hates sand AND water!  The other will not stop throwing the sand!

6. Sand and sunblock do not mix!  Enough said!

7. My two year old found it VERY disturbing to walk in the sand with shoes on and refused to do it the entire week!  She also found that the sand was too hot to walk on without shoes and resorted to "I-onna hold jyew!"

8. A $15 kid chicken tender meal at the locally famous seafood restaurant!

9. Seaweed that made my four year old scream as if he were Superman and it was Kryptonite!

10. The return to daycare is not a pleasant experience!

I could go on and on but I will leave it at that.  We had a reasonably good time but will not choose this experience again for a couple more years.  Maybe next year we will just go to the zoo ;-)

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