Brandon, Candace, Brayley and Addyson

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Top 10 Reasons I Would Be A Great SAHM...

Here are my

Top Ten Reasons I Would Make A Great Stay At Home Mom:

1.   I would plan fun and exciting FREE adventures for us!  Like going to the park, reading day at the library, watching the airplanes take off at the airport, etc.

2.  I would be able to avoid or reprimand at an instant any language that is not appropriate.

3.  I would be able to avoid or reprimand at an instant any action that is not appropriate.

4.  Fun and cheap crafts are my specialty!! :-)

5.  Nap time is "do all the things that I always want to get around to but never have time to" time.  Yeah for scrapbooking, cleaning out closets, cooking interesting meals, etc.

6.  More time for Couponing!!

7.  I would schedule play-dates and catch up with old friends that think that I am not their friend anymore because I never have time to talk to them much less see them!

8.  I could REALLY volunteer with church functions instead of showing up and leaving immediately b/c we all have to get home and in the bed.

9.  I understand that it is a difficult job; however,...

10.  I would have the joy of watching my children experience their young life and reach new milestones every day!

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."  Mathew 21:22

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