Brandon, Candace, Brayley and Addyson

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A New Tradition

So there are many families that are participating in a new tradition this holiday season.  It is called Elf on the Shelf or Elf Magic.  I think this is a super cute idea, I am just too cheap to spend $25-$30 on something that will be used 3 weeks out of the year.  Maybe one day I can talk myself into it but, until then, I came up with my own tradition.  I found an elf poem on the internet and changed the wording around to have the same principle idea as the two links I mentioned above.  Then, I ventured out to find a "cheap" elf for hire.  Who knew that elves were so valuable?!?!  So, I instead chose a "Reindeer Elf" for less then 1/10 of the price.  We introduced him to the kiddos and they were immediately astonished at this magical reindeer elf!  They named him Rudolph.  On the first couple of nights "Rudolph was very inconspicuous.  But, he soon began to get into everything!

( He jumped into the ornament filled sleigh!)
 (He ate Addy's popcorn! He even forgot to wipe his mouth!)

 Brayley and Addyson can't wait to see where he is and what he has done every morning.  It is also great to be able to remind them that "Rudolph" is constantly watching them and their behavior and that he reports to Santa Claus nightly!  It actually helps... a little!  

 And so a new Smith family tradition begins! ;-)

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